State of preparation and use of blood platelet components in Ukraine

December 2, 2020

Aim — to analyze the state of donation, blood cell donation and platelet use in clinical practice over the past 6 years.

Object and methods of research. The data of the sectoral statistical reporting form № 39-health «The report of the Blood Service Center (Blood Transfusion Station), transfusion department of a medical institution, institutions, hospitals that collect blood» in the regions, Kyiv city and departmental institutions for 2014–2019 years were used. Statistical processing of data was carried out.

Results. At the end of 2019, all blood service facilities are equipped with cytopheresis devices. There are 1–4 in each region and in transfusion departments of medical institutions of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine — 6–9 such devices. In total in Ukraine there are 73. The number of blood cell donors has increased by 85.7%. The number of donations increased 2.4 times. This, in turn, contributed to a significant 2.7-fold increase in the volume of harvested apheresis platelets over 6 years. The number of harvested platelets from 500 ml of canned blood remained almost at the same level. 96.9% more platelets were transferred to health care facilities for medical purposes: in 2019 — 38 588 doses were almost completely met by the need for hospitals.

Conclusions. The widespread introduction of blood cytopheresis by blood transfusion centers (stations) allows to provide health care facilities with platelet concentrate for the treatment of patients who need this blood component.


  • Vydyborets S.V., Sergienko O.V. (Eds.) (2019) Organization of transfusion care in health care facilities. Kyiv — Washington, 261 p.
  • World Health Organization (2019) Clinical use of blood. Memo for national health programs (
  • Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine (2001) Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of October 26, 2001 № 1403 «On Approval of the Program for the Development of Blood Donation and Its Components for 2002–2007».
  • Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine (2017) Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 22.11.2017 № 833-р «On approval of the scope of mandatory provision of public health needs with donor blood, its components and drugs for 2018».