The patterns of the viral hepatitis C epidemic process in Sumy region

November 20, 2020

The work is devoted to the research patterns of epidemic process of viral hepatitis C (VHC) development in Sumy region in 1991–2019. A complex of descriptive, evaluative and analytical techniques of the epidemiological research method in combination with the methods of mathematical statistics are used in the study. The dynamics and intensity of the VHC epidemic process, as well as the leading routes of pathogen transmission, high-risk territories and population groups have been established. The attempt to assess the scale of the latent epidemiological process of VHC in Sumy region, as well as to explain the reasons for the observed trends in the dynamics of acute and chronic VHC was made. The following epidemiological features of VHC on the territory of the Sumy region in the period 1991–2019 were established: 25-fold increase in incidence rates against the background of a decrease in the activity of the transmission mechanism, a moderate decline in acute VHC and a simultaneous moderate increase in its chronic form, 35-fold reduction in the scale of the latent epidemiological process, two-fold prevalence of the incidence of men in comparison with the incidence of women, significant reduction in chronic and moderate reduction in acute VHC among children, low efficiency of epidemiological investigations of VHC cases and significant unevenness of the territorial distribution of cases of this infection.


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