The influence of psychotraumatic factors of the external environment on the survival of combatants, the service of which was performed in combat conditions

October 23, 2020
Specialities :

The aim is to identify the influence of the conditions of the combat environment on the experiences of servicemen with different sensitivity to the action of psycho-traumatic situations in the combat zone.

Object and research methods. The studies were carried out on a group of 98 healthy servicemen — men age 22–36 years, who served in combat conditions. To assess the experience of a combat situation, the respondent made a mark on the scale of the questionnaire, which corresponds to the level of his feelings from the influence of the factors under study. Statistical analysis of the data was done using the methods of variation statistics, cluster and stepwise discriminant analysis.

Results. With the help of cluster analysis based on the application of the k-means method, the data on the impressions of combatants were divided into two groups: «hypersensitive» and «hyposensitive» to the action of the components of the combat environment factor. In «hypersensitive» group indices of sensations of the action of the components of this category of factors of the «combat environment» fluctuate in the range of 50–70% and significantly differ from similar sensations in «hyposensitive» group (p<0.001), whose indices vary in the range of 32–47%.

Conclusions. The most informative indicators are highlighted, which allow, with an accuracy of 96.2%, to divide the combatants into groups. The interaction of indicators has been established, the presence of which explains certain aspects of the formation of experiences from the action of a combat situation. Decisive rules have been constructed, with the help of which a combatant can be assigned to an appropriate group with a certain sensitivity to the action of factors of the combat environment.


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