Peculiarities of subjective evaluation of conditions and peculiarity of professional activity of military pilots

September 21, 2020

Aim — to assess the perception of different categories of military pilots (MP) of modern conditions and the nature of their professional activities. Object of research — professional activity of MP. Subjective assessment of the conditions and nature of the professional activities of MP was carried out using a specially designed questionnaire. The survey covered 205 persons. The analysis of the obtained data was performed using the methods of variation statistics. Results. It is established that a moderate but equal increase in the dimension and regularity of professional (flight) load among different categories of MP in recent years has led to a steady increase in perceptions of the level of its organization and a moderate increase in fatigue until the end of the flight shift. On the one hand, it allows to maintain the professionally important qualities of MP at a level that does not cause deterioration of health, reduced efficiency during flights and prevents the likelihood of signs of overfatigue, and on the other — significantly increases the feeling of heaviness and intensity of work, and also contributes to the formation of dissatisfaction with the conditions of military service. It is established that the magnitude of professional (flight) load of MP of supersonic aircraft is characterized by a much lower level compared to persons of transport and helicopter aircraft, and the conditions of professional activity of this category are perceived as more difficult and stressful, which leads to the development of increased fatigue by the end of the flight shift and the formation of dissatisfaction with the chosen profession.


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