Self-evaluation of doctors’ experience in remote medical counseling

September 8, 2020
Specialities :

The aim was an improvement the quality of outpatient medical care based on telemedicine counseling experience analysis. Object and methods of research. The study was provided by electronic survey of medical practitioners in more than 10 specialties in Kyiv, Ukraine 2020. In a specially designed questionnaire, anonymous respondents were asked to answer 14 questions with several answer options. The questions covered the personal experience assessment of remote medical services various aspects. Results. The peculiarities of doctors’ assessments of complexity level, medical risk, confidentiality, and emotional perception of the provided telemedicine services are established. Conclusions. Continuing professional education programs for physicians should include trainings in technical, ethical, and psychological aspects of distance counseling. Within the current capabilities of communication tools combination of remote and traditional counseling is optimal to ensure the quality of medical counseling services.

Published: 08.09.2020


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