Anxiety and anxiety states in gynecological practice: possibilities and tools of pharmacotherapy

September 2, 2020

The issues of identification, diagnosis and treatment of anxiety disorders in gynecological practice are considered. The features and mechanism of action of various anxiolytic drugs used in gynecological practice for the prevention and treatment of anxious, anxiety-phobic, depressive, hypochondriac and other mental disorders are presented in detail. The use of an alternative agent of domestic production — the phytocomplex Anxiomedin® and Sonomedin® — is also substantiated. Each of these agents can be successfully used for mild and moderate anxiety disorders in gynecological patients, accompanied by irritation, emotional lability, feelings of anxiety and fear, low adaptive capacity without the risk of developing impaired concentration (Anxiomedin®), or to normalize the processes of falling asleep and improving sleep quality (Sonomedin®).

Published: 02.09.2020



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