Nurses’ assessment of the work environment of health care facilities

June 12, 2020
Specialities :

The aim was to identify ways to improve the efficiency of the use of junior medical staff based on the analysis of their current assessments of the specifics of professional activities and elements of corporate culture in health care facilities. Object and methods of research. The study was conducted by written and electronic questionnaires of junior medical staff of six health care institutions in five cities of Ukraine. In a specially designed questionnaire, respondents were asked to answer 14 questions anonymously with several answer options. The questions covered the assessment of various aspects of work, production authority and interaction with doctors. Results. The peculiarities of nurses’ assessments of the working environment depending on professional experience, type of medical institution and specifics of the workplace were established. Conclusions. The assessment of the current work environment by nurses is mostly optimistic and provides grounds for the creation of additional training programs, in particular to improve professional interaction in ensuring the quality of medical care. When modernizing professional develop­ment programs, it is advisable to take into account the differences found in the views of representatives of certain subgroups of junior medical staff.

Published: 12.06.2020



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