Morphological manifestation of gylcogen synthesis in the uterus as one of the target markers of reproductive success

April 24, 2020

The problem of reproductive ability of the Ukraine population from year to year does not lose its relevance and is one of the leading causes of the demographic crisis. According to the statistic data the incidence of female infertility continues to be slightly higher than the male one. Pathological changes in the endometrium with infertility are 88%, and in the case of unsuccessful attempts in vitro fertilization is 77.5%. Fertile endometrium is one of the most important factors for successful implantation and keeps of pregnancy, in particular during embryo transfer to the uterus which has been obtained by fertilization in vitro. The study of endometrial morphological markers which are in relevance according to fertility can significantly reduce reproductive losses, improve in vitro fertilization results, and optimize algorithms for managing patients with infertility.

Published: 24.04.2020


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