Medical-social determinants of health (review of the world literature)

April 21, 2020
Specialities :

The purpose of the study was to study the role of medical and social determinants in shaping public health. Object and methods. We studied different sources of scientific literature from the period of 2008–2020. Results. The defining methods of the study were systematic approach and analysis, as well as bibliosemantic method. The analyzed works deal with the issues of health policy, the importance of the actual place of residence regarding access to medical care, urbanization, organization of health care system, level and access to education, the influence of the natural environment, trade, place of communication in raising public awareness of important social determinants and disparities in health, the need for continued research on determinants of health. Conclusions. International experience in the functioning of public institutions and research of public health scientists should serve as a basis for the establishment of a modern public health system in Ukraine in the light of efforts to successfully develop the country, improve the health of the population, as its main wealth.

Published: 21.04.2020



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