The problematics of logistics in medicine

April 21, 2020
Specialities :

In the modern economic and social life, there is an increase in the use of management achievements in areas that are far removed from the entrepreneurial space and not aimed at profit. This trend and logistics, which dates back to military affairs, but has recently been actively used in optimizing the activity of enterprises, have not been bypassed. After all, as the experience of successful application of logistics in foreign practice shows, the use of logistic approaches in the management system has a positive impact on all indicators of the organization. The growing interest in the application of logistics in the social spheres, along with the economic ones, has given impetus to the formation of another line of logistics — medical. Taking into account the above, the scientific article investigates the place of logistics in the medical field in the present conditions. The degree of research on logistic approaches by scientists, including in the field of health, is determined. The next step in conducting scientific research is defining the etymology of the logistics category, the historical stages of its formation as a lever for optimizing the activity of enterprises first, and then other spheres of state activity. The article highlights the approaches of some scientists to describing the properties of the application of logistics in medicine. The article identifies the areas of application of logistics in medicine, including biometric and clinical engineering, medical supply, medical staff and services, pharmacy, and analyzes the features of the application of logistics in each of these areas. This study sheds light on the analysis of the effectiveness of medical reform and the possibilities of applying logistical approaches to this process. The next step in conducting scientific research is to identify possible models of logistics in a healthcare facility by forming a separate unit or involving logistics experts. At the same time, there are key competencies that a logistics expert in the medical field should possess. It is stated that logistics is an effective tool for the activity of medical institutions, which encounters certain problems, the elimination of which will help to improve the quality and timeliness of medical services.

Published: 21.04.2020



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