Assessment of risk factors for delayed radiation toxicity by combined surgical and radiation treatment in patients with cervical cancer

September 25, 2019

Objective — to carry out comparative analysis of clinical and laboratory parameters of patients with cervical cancer with late radiation complications (LRC) and without delayed complications of radiation therapy after combined radiotherapy and surgery for. Маterials and methods. A retrospective analysis of 254 case histories of patients with malignant cervical tumors was performed. 122 case histories were selected, divided into two groups: main (59 patients) — patients with LRC after combination treatment, which included surgery and radiation therapy and control (63 patients) — patients without LRC after combination treatment. Results. It is established that the relative risk of developing LRC in patients after combined surgical and radiotherapy in the presence of concomitant pathology ≥3 systems is 3.1±0.28. The relative risk of development of LRC was highest in the background of diseases of the genitourinary system (2.2±0.19), blood system and hematopoietic organs (2.1±0.14), endocrine (2.1±0.14) and musculoskeletal system (2.0±0.16). The relative risk of delayed radiation toxicity in patients on the background of radio modification was 1.5±0.21. During combination therapy in patients with LRC, a statistically significant 5.4 (p=0.02) higher total protein level, 6.3% (p=0.3) bilirubin, 6.0% (p=0.09) aspartate aminotransferase and 18.6% (p=0.04) fibrinogen relative to control group. Conclusion. Reduction of the radiotherapeutic interval caused by the increase of radiosensitivity of normal tissues after surgical treatment is a prerequisite for the development of radiation complications.

Published: 25.09.2019

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