Perioperative dynamics of water sectors at restrictive regime of infusion therapy in high surgical risk patients with acute abdominal pathology

August 29, 2019

The aim is to evaluate the effectiveness of the restrictive regime of infusion therapy in high surgical risk patients with acute abdominal pathology on the basis of the analysis of perioperative dynamics of water sectors of the body. Material and methods. 30 patients of high surgical risk with acute abdominal pathology were examined, who were operated upon surgically in the volume of laparatomy. Surgical infusion therapy was performed in restrictive mode. Indicators of body water sectors were determined by the method of noninvasive bioelectric rheography. Results. The restoration of plasma volume to the norm and the deficit of interstitial volume in 20.7% (p<0.05) in 6 hours from the start of treatment was noted. Full restoration and preservation of plasma volume within the normal limits, increase in the volume of interstititium by 9.8% (p<0.05) in comparison with the initial one, decrease in the degree of volume exhaustion to a mild one — 8.6% (p<0.05) were established in 1 day. Intracellular volume sector did not differ significantly from the norm and previous stages of observation. From 1 to 14 days observed normal values of the studied parameters. Conclusions. Restrictive infusion therapy regime in patients with high surgical risk with acute abdominal pathology allows to carry out effective correction of volume exhaustion by restoration of intravascular volume in 6 hours from the beginning of treatment, elimination of the deficit of interstitial volume and restoration of the total volume of liquid by 3 days.

Published: 29.08.2019

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