Diagnosis of functional esophageal disorders in the context of Roman IV criteria review

May 15, 2019

DOI 10.32471/umj.1680-3051.131.142171 Published: 15.05.2019 References: Bordin D.S., Masharova A.A., Drozdov V.N. i dr. (2011) Diagnosticheskoe znachenie alginatnogo testa pri gastroezofagealnoy reflyuksnoy bolezni. Novosti meditsinyi i farmatsii. Gastroenterologiya, 382: 18–24. Bulgakov S.A. (2013) Alginatyi v kupirovanii klinicheskih proyavleniy dispepsii i rasstroystv gastroezofagealnoy reflyuksnoy bolezni. Suchasna gastroenterol., 1(69): 80–84. Zaychenko A.V., Ravshanov T.B. (2016) Simptomaticheskoe lechenie izzhogi: […]

DOI 10.32471/umj.1680-3051.131.142171

Published: 15.05.2019


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