Prevalence of anxiety and depressive disorders in military doctors

May 23, 2017
Specialities :

An anonymous survey of 102 military doctors has been done: the 1st group — 42 physicians aged 35 to 76 years working at the National Military Medical Clinical Center and Lutsk military hospital, the 2nd group — 60 physicians aged 23 to 28 years studing in the Ukrainian Military Medical Academy. The Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale has been used to identify anxiety and depressive disorders. Depressive and/or anxiety disorders revealed a total of 24.5±4.3% of the examined persons, which is far exceeding the population rates (8–10%). The anxiety disorders identified significantly more often in women than in men — 27.1±5.3 and 6.3±4.3%, respectively (p0.05). The high prevalence of anxiety and/or depressive disorders in military doctors require further analysis and conduct preventive measures, including the acquisition of skills psychological self-care and prevention of the negative effects of stress.