The experience of applying of ulinastatin in the treatment of patients with severe acute pancreatitis

January 4, 2018
Specialities :

The aim was to study the influence of ulìnastatìn on the quality of treatment of patients with severe acute pancreatitis. Materials and methods. Analysis of the results of the treatment of 29 patients with severe acute pancreatitis is provided. Patients were divided into groups: group of control — 15 (51.7%) patients which recieves standard therapy; main group — 14 (48.3%) patients with ulinastatin added to standard treatment. The results. Regression of the clinical manifestations of systemic inflammatory response syndrome revealed on 4±1 day in patients of the control group, on 2±1 day in patients of the main group. Evaluating of the patients condition using SAPS II and ASSES scales showed worse condition in control comparing with main group. Duration of the intensive care in patients of the control group was 6.2±2.2, main — 4.1±1.3 days. Length of stay for patients of the control group was 16±2.3, main group — 9.2±1.9 days. Conclusions. Ulinastatin reduces the level of endogenous intoxication and manifestations of systemic inflammatory response syndrome, accelerates the organ repair, decreases the volume of infusional therapy, decreased length of stay and cumulative hospitalized days. This leads to decreasing of the treatment costs and faster recovery of the patients’ ability to work.