Features of the epidemiology of migraine and its impact on treatment tactics

February 6, 2018
Specialities :

The article discusses the prevalence of migraine — a headache, which changes a person’s habitual life and possibility of doing daily things. The studies were carried out in the Transcarpathian region among students, ordinary passers-by and patients of various inpatient departments. Gender distribution was carried out. The severity of the pain syndrome among the groups was shown to optimize treatment tactics. The present modern classification, the theory of development, as well as approaches to the treatment of a migraine attack were given. The description of triptans, as a modern method of treatment of migraine pain was given.

M.M. Oros, H.S. Glavatckyh

Key words: migraine, headache, migraine pain, treatment, triptans.

Published: 06.03.2018


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