Current state of chemotherapy and prevention of influenza and ARVI in Ukraine

February 21, 2018
Specialities :

At present, several approved medicinal drugs for the treatment of influenza are available. Nevertheless, their efficacy is limited by the emergence of drug-resistant forms of viruses and some contraindications. Moreover, other respiratory viral infections are diagnosed in the setting of flu epidemics. While such infections are similar to influenza by their symptom, antiflu agents fail to control them. Besides synthetic neuraminidase inhibitors, a wide range of the natural substances belonging to flavonoids, also possess the activity as neuraminidase inhibition. The prospects for the application of flavonoids as antiviral agents are reviewed. The multi-target mechanism of flavonoid effects is of high importance. The literature data and the results of our own studies of the domestic flavonoid-containing drugs Proteflazid® and Immunoflazid® suggest that they may be recommended as etiotropic and pathogenetic remedy for preventing and treating influenza and other acute respiratory viral infection.

S.L. Rybalko, D.B. Starosyla, M.P. Zavelevich

Key words: influenza, neuraminidase inhibitors, flavonoids, Proteflazid®, Immunoflazid®.

Published: 06.03.2018


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