Current trends in the prevalence of chronic non-infectious diseases among the adult population of Kyiv

March 7, 2018

The urgency of the problem of chronic non-infectious diseases is due to the increase in their prevalence and the dominant role in the formation of premature mortality and disability of the population. Objective — to determine the main trends in the incidence and prevalence of chronic non-epidemic diseases among the adult population of Kyiv in 2007–2016. Materials and methods. Current trends in the incidence and prevalence of chronic non-infectious diseases among the population of Kyiv are revealed on the basis of analysis of materials of forms of statistical reporting in Kyiv for 2007–2016. Results. During 2007–2016, the prevalence of chronic non-epidemic diseases among the adult population of Kyiv has increased in all leading classes of diseases. The prevalence of pathologies of the endocrine system has increased over 10 years by 249.8, circulatory system by 131.2, tumors by 127.2, diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue by 59.3, digestive organs by 56.9 cases diseases of 10.000 of the adult population. The incidence among the adult population of Kyiv decreased for all of the listed classes of diseases. The completeness of the coverage of patients with chronic non-infectious diseases is insufficient by dispensary observation. In Kyiv in 2016, dispensary observation covered only 38.8% of patients with cardio-vascular diseases. Conclusions. To effectively implement the preventive direction in outpatient clinics in Kyiv it is necessary to widely implement and properly perform screening programs, targeted medical examinations, and dispensary observation of patients with chronic non-infectious diseases. The results of the study will be used to determine the conceptual directions for improving outpatient care for the adult population of Kyiv and for the development of an optimized model of a consultative and diagnostic center.

V.V. Kravchenko

Key words: chronic non-infectious diseases, prevalence, adult population.

Published: 06.03.2018


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