Actual problems of the etiopathogenesis of acute cerebrovascular accident and differentiated treatment in patients with an ischemic stroke in acute рeriod

April 27, 2018

The article presents an analytical review of recent research on epidemiology, negative сomplications of ischemic stroke, issues of etiopathogenesis, diagnosis and basic methods of its treatment, in particular thrombolytic therapy, and their pathogenetic justification. The analysis of efficacy and side effects of the thrombolysis has been performed taking into account our own clinical experience, outlined prospective directions of the optimization of medical care in patients with ischemic stroke.

O.E. Kovalenko, G.V. Gosteva, L.M. Duplyak, L.V. Dlugosh

Key words: stroke, brain, thrombolysis, thrombolytic therapy, tissue plasminogen activator.

Published: 04.05.2018


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