Possibilities of modern insulin therapy in achieving the best therapeutic results in patients with diabetes mellitus

May 13, 2018
Specialities :

The article presents data on the main problems of managing patients with diabetes mellitus. The clinical cases described the difficulties with of insulin therapy use, which patients with diabetes are facing, and the ways to overcome them are presented. It has been shown that selection of insulin and its doses should be individualized, taking into account the duration of action, the risk of side effects and the ease of use. The possibilities of correction and optimization of the insulin therapy have been demonstrated in order to provide target indicators of glycemic control, ease of use for the patient, minimization of the risk of complications and therefore — increase of compliance and ultimately achieve the best therapeutic results.

S.L. Skorikova

Key words: diabetes mellitus, insulin, insulin glargine, long-acting insulin analogues, insulin therapy.

Published: 04.05.2018


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