Features of violations of the lipid profile of blood and components of the coagulation status in children with comorbidities with systemic lupus erythematosus

May 16, 2018

Aim — to evaluate lipids profiles and cоagulation status in children and teenagers with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Methods and subjects. Clinical implications, lipids profiles, coagulation status and statistic methods. 35 patients aged 7–18 years with SLE were included. Patients were divided for two groups: 9 (25.7%) patients without and 26 (74.3%) with comorbidities. Results. Dyslipidemia was found in 51.4% patients and changes in a coagulation status in 34.3%.The average value of total cholesterol (TC), low density lipoprotein cholesterol and atherogenic index of plasma in patients with comorbidities were exceeded than the referential meanings in patients without comorbities, at the same time the level of high density lipoprotein cholesterol was reduced (p≤0.05). The TC level rising was registered more often in patients with (61.5±5.9%) than without comorbidities (22.2±3.8)%). All patients with comorbidities had atherogenic index level rising, but any patients with comorbidities had it (p≤0.01). The coagulation status was changed only in children with comorbidities. The changes were characterized by: increase of prothrombin index, hyperfibrinogenemia, kaolin clotting time reduction and thrombo time increasing. The level of TC was significantly higher in patients with SLE and coagulopathy, than in children without comorbidities and signs of hypercoagulation (7.57±0.83 and 4.94±0.29 mmol/l; р<0.05). The signs of dyslipidemia were found in all patients with hypercoagulation. Conclusion. The main part of children with SLE had comorbidities. Atherogenic dyslipidemia was found in a half of patients, dyscoagulation in one third. Children with comorbidities had changes in lipid profile more frequently than patients without comorbidities. Disorders of hemostasis were registered only in children with comorbidities. The development of comorbidities performs during the active process of main disease and accompanied by rising of atherogenic dyslipidemia and thrombogenic blood potential.

L.F. Bogmat, N.S. Shevchenko, I.N. Bessonova, V.V. Nikonova

Key words: systemic lupus erythematosus, teenagers, lipids profile, hemostasis.

Published: 15.05.2018


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