Gut microbiota disorders and its correction

September 4, 2018
Specialities :

The pool of microbes inhabiting human body is known as microbiota. The colon is the most densely populated organ in the human body. Gut microbiota is one of the determinative factors of the human health. Intestinal bacteria play on crucial role in maintaining immune and metabolic homeostasis and protecting against pathogens. Gut microbiota disorders or dysbiosis is related to many health problems both within the gastro-intestinal tract and outside it. Prebiotics (such as inulin, oligofructose) play a key role in life support of microorganisms of a gastro-intestinal tract. Probiotics play an important role in the correction of colonic biocenosis and stimulation of vital activity of obligate microflora. Medical and prophylactic effects of probiotics include increase of resistance to infectious diseases of intestine and respiratory tract, prevention and decrease of diarrhea duration, improvement of lactose tolerance, treatment of constipation, decrease of atopic reactions tendency, etc. Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium species are the most commonly used probiotics. Used strains can have direct effect on permeability of intestinal barrier and immunodefence components: increase of immunoglobulin A production, modify activity of phagocytes and natural killers, cytokine production. Treatment is safe for patients and well tolerated.

T.M. Bentsa

Key words: gut microbiota, dysbiosis, probiotics, Bifidobacterium, Lactobacillus, Linex Forte®.

Published: 04.09.2018


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