Anxiety-depressive disorders in patients with cardiovascular diseases in clinical practice: therapeutic options

September 28, 2018

The article examines the frequency of clinically expressed forms and subclinical manifestations of anxiety and depression in 153 patients with cardiovascular diseases. The effectiveness of therapy of anxiety and depression in these patients with Medopram for 6 months has been evaluated. A significant prevalence of anxiety-depressive disorders in patients with cardiovascular pathology has been confirmed, which indicates the necessity of incorporating standardized diagnostic methods into a comprehensive clinical and instrumental examination in patients for the timely detection of clinically significant anxiety and depression. High efficiency, safety, good tolerability and low potential of intermedicative interaction confirms the special importance of escitalopram (Medopram) in treatment of anxiety-depressive disorders in patients of all ages with cardiovascular diseases and gives grounds to consider it as a drug of choice in patients of this category in clinical practice.

T.V. Kolesnyk, A.V. Nadiuk, A.A. Kosova, M.G. Kyrychko, V.V. Beletsky

Key words: anxiety, depression, cardiovascular diseases, escitalopram, Medopram.

Published: 23.10.2018


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