Features of endocrine status and quantitative disorders of spermogram in men working in the conditions of high and low temperatures

October 29, 2018

Aim — to study the morphology of spermatozoids and endocrine status indicators in men who work in the conditions of high and low temperatures. Materials and methods. During 2013–2017, spermograms of 81 patients were examined, which during the professional activity were influenced by low (n=43) or high (n=38) temperatures. Results. It has been established that the hormonal status of men who work in the conditions of high temperatures is characterized by a likely increase in the content of luteinizing hormone (p=0.013). In a group of men working in the conditions of low temperatures, changes in hormonal status are unlikely. A negative correlation between the total number of spermatozoids in ejaculate with the duration of a professional anamnesis during work in high (r=–0.67; p<0.05) and low (r=–0.36; p<0.05) temperatures is proved. Conclusions. It was found that under the conditions of high and low temperatures, the number of spermatozoids, both general and per 1 ml of ejaculate, was significantly lower (p<0.05) than in the control group. The indicator of the number of active spermatozoids (p<0.05) was the most «vulnerable» under the influence of low temperatures. It has been established that for high temperatures «vulnerable» parameters included the reduction in the total number per 1 ml of ejaculate of <15.0% (78.9%), in the number of live spermatozoids of <58.0% (65.8%), in the number of spermatozoids with translational motion of <32.0% (60.5%).

Published: 29.10.2018


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