Human energy system: what official medicine knows?

November 7, 2018

The article describes the evolution of instrumental diagnostic methods: determination of electrical potentials of the human body, kirlianography, magnetography, electrography potentials throughout the body, method of electropuncture diagnostics by R. Folland. The question of the failure to cure many internal diseases is raised. The focus in the article was on the problem of non-communicable diseases. The outlined material leads to the idea of the existence of the energy system in the human body. The research methods cited in the article are accepted by fundamental science. They prove the presence of bioelectric and biomagnetic components in the human body. A new level of fundamental knowledge requires a paradigm revision. The authors expressed their opinion that it requires the adoption of the bioenergy paradigm of the structure and functioning of the human body, the allocation of a separate energy system in human body. The article talks about the need for further study of this issue and the benefits that humanity will receive from this.

Key words: human energy system, magnetocardiography, magnetoencephalography. kirlianography, electrography potentials throughout the body, method of electropuncture diagnostics by R. Folland, non-communicable diseases.

Published: 07.11.2018


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