Drug strategy of treatment of neuropathic pain syndrome in radiculopathy

November 9, 2018

Actuality of problem of radiculopathy is shown in the review. Epidemiology data, reasons, mechanisms of development, clinical presentation and methods of drug treatment of neuropathic pain in radiculopathy are presented. Recommendations of the international organizations for the treatment of the pain are given. Efficiency and safety of gebapenthinoides are described, including pregabalin, as the drug of the last generation, recommended for treatment of neuropathic pain. Its clinical efficiency in treatment of neuropathic pain syndrome was studied in a number of clinical randomized researches, showing its analgetic action and also ability to cause regress of concomitant psychosomatic disorders and insomnia in patients with lumbosacral neuropathy.

Key words: chronic pain, back pain, neuropathic pain, nociceptive pain, gebapenthinoides, pregabalin, radiculopathy.

Published: 09.11.2018


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