Mucoregulator, antioxidant, pneumoprotector — a modern conception of the role of acetylcysteine in treatment of respiratory system diseases

February 7, 2019

Accumulated over the past decades data of experimental studies and clinical trials significantly expanded the understanding of mechanisms of N-acetylcysteine positive action in patients with pathology of respiratory system. N-acetylcysteine has been reported to have pleiotropic effect, closely connected with antioxidant action: direct — that is realized by thiol group, and indirect — due to increasing of intracellular glutathione levels, thus regulating of intracellular redox status. Moreover, N-acetylcysteine has muco-regulatory, anti-inflammatory, pneumo-protective, anti-infective action. In acute and chronic respiratory system diseases with thick and purulence sputum N-acetylcysteine benefits in positive dynamics of clinical manifestation, attenuates the lung injury and improves lung function, decreases the frequency of acute exacerbations as well as improves the physical performance and quality of life. Good tolerability and low incidence of adverse reactions, even observed during the long-term administration in high doses, can be explained by the antitoxic, nephro- and hepatoprotective effects and special pharmacokinetic characteristics of N-acetylcysteine.

Published: 07.02.2019


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