Substantiation of the concept of continuous improvement the national health system of Ukraine

February 27, 2019
Specialities :

The goal is to substantiate the conception of continuous improvement of the national health care system of Ukraine in modern conditions. The object of research — health system of Ukraine. Methods. Bibliographic, conceptual modeling, Delphi, medico-statistical methods were used. Results. The concept of development of the health system of Ukraine has been developed. It declares the core values of health care, formulates main goal, basic goals/objectives, principles for organizing an improved national health system, and sections of the system development strategy based on the presented concept. Conclusions. The developed draft of the Concept is balanced and agreed with the expert community. The document can be used as the basis for the development of the following documents that shape the policy in the field of national health care — strategies, regulatory framework of reforms, and the like.

Published: 27.02.2019


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