Medical and social rationale of the algorithm of early diagnostics and prevention of psychosomatic disorders at primary care

March 6, 2019

Aim — to develop a new algorithm of medical care in patients taking into account the identified risk factors that have an impact on promoting the emergence and development of mental disorders and behavior in the context of the introduction of family medicine. Object of study. In the development and medical and social substantiation of a new algorithm for early diagnosis and prevention of psychosomatic disorders in the primary care, we used the data obtained during our own research, the results of the analysis of the legislative framework on the organization of the health care system and its transformation on the basis of family medicine, reliable information elaborated scientific literature. Diagnosis of the main indicators of stress — anxiety and depression — was performed using commonly used methods adapted to the study. Results. The patient is the main subject of responsibility for his or her own health through the observance of healthy lifestyle. The modern health system is not sufficiently focused on disease prevention and early detection, which leads to the emergence of chronic forms of illness, the growth of primary disability and mortality that can be prevented. Conclusions. A new algorithm of medical care under conditions of stress has been developed taking into account early diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation and individual prevention of mental health disorders in patients with somatic diseases within the framework of implemented reformation of the state health care system and in the conditions of the development of family medicine.

Published: 06.03.2019


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