Risk factors for cognitive impairment in arterial hypertension

April 12, 2019

The results of the neuropsychological examination of 509 outpatients with controlled second-stage arterial hypertension (AG) with an integral assessment of cognitive functions using the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) and Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MоCA) techniques are presented in the article. It has been established that even in patients with a controlled second-stage AG with a low cardiovascular risk of SCORE scalе (32.2%) show non-dementia cognitive impairment. The risk factors for the development of cognitive impairment in AG, in connection with the features of anamnesis and the course of the disease, were analyzed. It has been proved that the risk factors for the development of cognitive impairment due to AG are burdened with heredity regarding cognitive impairment in the immediate family, the long-term course of the disease (about 10 years), signs of an unbalance in the autonomic nervous system: high vegetative index, the systolic blood pressure variability over the day according to the daily monitoring blood pressure higher than 12 mm Hg (area under the ROC curve AUC=0.891 (95% confidence interval 0.823–0.940) with sensitivity 82.5% and specificity 85.7%, with the probability of cognitive impairment exceeding 50%, which is a high risk).

Published: 12.04.2019


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