Management of psycho-emotional disorders in internally displaced women with the threatened interruption of pregnancy in history

April 22, 2019

The purpose of the research — to evaluate the effectiveness of treatment strategies using psychotherapy in pregnant women in the I and II trimesters with psycho-emotional disorders and threatened interruption of this pregnancy in history, living in the Luhansk region and have the status of internally displaced persons to improve treatment and preventive measures and prevent obstetric and perinatal complications. The object and methods. The study included 39 pregnant women in the I and II trimesters with threatened interruption of this pregnancy in anamnesis. Patients were randomly divided into groups: psychotherapeutic treatment (1a) and a control group 1b. Clinical-obstetric and psychometric examination were carried out before and after treatment. Spielberger State-Trait Anxiety Inventory was used to assess the level of anxiety, Beck’s depression Inventory — to asses the level of depression, the Sleep Qua­lity Survey Questionnaire — to assess the quality of sleep and questionnaires for evaluating the autonomous nervous system disorders. Results. After the treatment in group 1a, a statistically significant decrease in state and trait anxiety, depressive manifestations, autonomic disorders were noted, and sleep quality indicators improved, while no significant changes were recorded in the control group. Conclusion. Psychotherapeutic treatment was effective in reducing the severity and frequency of psycho-emotio­nal disorders in women with threatened interruption of this pregnancy in history, achieving emotional balance, relieving anxiety, fears associated with pregnancy and childbirth. Reduction of state and trait anxiety, depression, autonomic disorders, improvement of sleep quality para­meters can serve as criteria for the effectiveness of the treatment.

Published: 19.04.2019


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