The use of ethacizine in up-to-date clinical practice in questions and answers: atrial fibrillation

March 4, 2024
УДК:  616.12-008.313:615.222 

Despite the fact that ethacizine has been used for more than 30 years, doctors have many questions about its practical use as well as other antiarrhythmic drugs due to the emergence of new treatment strategies, deepening of understanding about the antiarrhythmic action of drugs. In recent years, many new «targets» for antiarrhythmic therapy have been discovered and developed, and the pharmaceutical branch of treating heart rhythm disorders has received an impetus for development and scientific research. In addition, new antiarrhythmic drugs are appearing on the pharmaceutical market. Thus, there is a periodic need to harmonize views on antiarrhythmic therapy, patient management tactics, and the use of antiarrhythmic drugs. This article offers answers to frequently asked questions about antiarrhythmic therapy in general and the use of ethacizine in up-to-date clinical practice.


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