The genesis of the medical protection system in emergency situations

December 1, 2023
УДК:  614.88(477)+614.2(100.2)
Specialities :

The article examines that medical protection is a component of the Unified system of civil protection of the population and territories. Accordingly, the measures of medical protection of the population are a component of the medical and sanitary provision of the population and the personnel of rescue and other formations in the emergency zone, are planned and implemented depending on the mode of operation of this system with the use of forces and means of the central executive autho­rities, local bodies that directly perform the task of protection life and health of people, as well as specialized functional subsystems: emergency medical care, sanitary-epidemiological supervision, through the creation and deployment of formations and institutions of the disaster medicine service. It was determined that one of the main tasks of the state policy in the field of civil protection and man-made safety is the creation of reliable guarantees for the safe life of people, technological and man-made safety, ensuring accident-free work at high-risk facilities, achieving high norms and standards for ensuring the protection of the population and territories from emergencies of natural and man-made nature. The implementation of these tasks is based on the improvement of the mechanism of preventing the occurrence and management of the elimination of the consequences of emergencies, especially medical and sanitary ones, as well as the development and formation of the relevant regulatory and legal and resource bases. It has been proven that in practice, management of the elimination of medical and sanitary consequences of emergencies is manifested as the implementation of state-management relations in the sphere of providing adequate and affordable medical assistance to victims of natural and man-made emergencies. From a theoretical point of view, the problem of managing the interaction of state administration bodies in organizing the elimination of medical and sanitary consequences of emergencies is solved by solving two little-researched issues: ensuring medical protection of the population affected by natural and man-made disasters; the interrelationship of the elimination of their medical and sanitary consequences and the mechanisms for managing the interaction of state administration bodies in the organization of the elimination of the medical and sanitary consequences of emergencies. According to the results of the study, the rele­vance of the study of the problem of the organization of medical protection of the population in the conditions of hostilities and the organization of the sustainable functioning of health care institutions, as well as the determination of the procedure for providing assistance and the conditions of interaction of departmental medical institutions are emphasized.


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