Analysis of the financial condition and evaluation of the efficiency of logistics in MNPE «Kyiv City Consulting and Diagnostic Center»

June 3, 2022
Specialities :

The importance of the use of effective areas of logistics management by the medical institution is substantiated. Peculiarities of application of logistic approach in management of flow processes of medical institution are determined. The views of domestic and foreign scientists on the term «medical logistics» and areas of optimization of logistics costs in the medical field are studied. It has been found that in the field of health care there are several types of flows (patients, information, finance, material and technical resources), which form a single multi-component flow. It is emphasized that medical logistics is an important component of social security and quality of life, and efficient supply, storage, information and financial flows are an integral part of the successful operation of a medical institution. In particular, the work of scientists notes that in practice, when providing medical institutions with resources for the implementation of medical and diagnostic processes, there are several problems associated with the lack of necessary organizational technologies. An analysis of the financial activities of the MNPE «Kyiv City Consulting and Diagnostic Center» and an assessment of the effectiveness of logistics processes management in this institution was performed. It is noted that there is a steady trend to increase almost all important indicators of economic activity of the enterprise, which indicates an increase in profitability and efficiency of the center. Assessing the level of logistics activities of the center, in particular, it was noted that the hospital has optimized most of the premises and departments, which allows more efficient use of human resources for medical services and spend less money on utilities. Recommendations on optimization of transport technologies, efficiency of use of vehicles, objects of logistics infrastructure, information technologies, in particular software, were provided, which will increase communication and logistical accessibility of medical institution, which is especially important in case of emergency care and basic tasks.


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